
Showing posts from 2010

How to replace Headway Search with Google Search?

Once your blog grows bigger and with more posts or pages added, Headway search may not be powerful and accurate enough for the search. You can try replacing it with Google Search instead. It is not as intimidating as one thought; you can either install a Google search custom wordpress plugin or manually add in the Google search code.

How to Create Tables Easily for Your Wordpress Blog?

If you are trying to create a table for your wordpress page, it could be really tedious and painful. Generally, people including myself will use a html editor to code the table separately before copying the code into the wordpress page then use a CSS stylesheet to control its look.

How to Redesign a New Site while Your Old Site is Still Live?

I have an old static website (about 5 years old, see how time flies) with a blog hosted in an old server. It is hightime for a good upgrade and redesign since some of its technologies/scripts are dated and not supported by latest browsers. In addition, there are other goals I hope to achieve for this redesign and update.

How to Display Blog Content into Multiple Columns in Index Page?

One of the common questions most blogger asked is how to display wordpress blog content into multiple columns ? There are many reasons for doing so, some may want to save space on their blogs’ home page and display as many posts as possible. Some may want to attract their readers to stay a little longer and at the same time, make their blogs look content-rich and mature.

MailChimp Email Subscription Box caused Visual Editor to Hang

I was trying to add the MailChimp Email Subscription Box into my blog when I realized it was a mistake. The Visual Editor in Headway Premium seemed to have problem with MailChimp. Once I have pasted the MailChimp email subscription script into the Text/HTML/PHP Leaf, the Visual Editor seemed to load forever – it has hung!

Why Google Adsense not Appearing in Text Leafs?

I was trying to add Google Adsense into the Category and Archive Sections but just had no luck getting it to work. I went to the Visual Editor and add in a “Text/HTML/PHP” Leafs (Text Leafs in short hereafter) on top of the Category and Archive sections but there was nothing displayed.

Adding Google Analytics To Blog Without Using Plugins

For those of you who wish to add Google Analytics to your blog, you might be thinking of using Google Analytics plugins. However, as we know that the more plugins we installed in wordpress, the more problems they will create in future especially when you need to troubleshoot in future. Therefore, if there is a chance to avoid plugin, I’ll try all means to avoid it.

What is jQuery?

The name sounds really alien to me during my first encounter with it. However, after finding out what it is, it seems less intimidating. According to Wikipedia, jQuery is a cross browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.

How to Add SyntaxHighlighter into Blogger Blog

You can read more about the rationale and benefits of inserting source code into SyntaxHighlighter in the previous post here . This post will show you the detailed steps of how to add SyntaxHighlighter into your blogger blog so that your source code will appear in more readability form.

Why Put Your Source Code Snippet into Syntax Highlighting Editor

If you are putting a lot of source code snippets into your blog for demonstrative purpose, you will soon realize that it is not a wise choice to let the source code snippets to be part of the post in your blog. By doing so, it will cause the source code to be inaccurate when it is copied out and paste into another file. In another words, your readers who are interested in your source code and are trying to copy directly from your post may end up not working.

Adding a Post Divider between Posts in Blog Index Page

I intended to add an image divider between the posts in the blog index page since the current horizontal line looked quite boring. It’s not difficult to figure out where to add in the CSS code but I was not sure which CSS selector should I use.

Sidebar was Blocked by Invisible Box: Resolved

I didn't know when my sidebar at my blog - was not clickable until I tried using Firefox browser a few days ago. I was editing my blog using Visual Editor and was shocked the sidebar was not clickable as it was working well in IE7.

How to Make the Slideshow Gallery Run Across the Blog Homepage?

If you need to position the slideshow gallery perfectly, for example, if you want the slideshow gallery to spread across horizontally such as the below example on your homepage, then tries the following method:

How to Create a Slideshow Gallery in the Blog Homepage?

This method is suitable for those who want to create a slideshow gallery in your blog homepage when using Headway Premium Wordpress Theme. Together with a wordpress plugins called “ Featured Content Gallery (FCG) ”, it is easy to achieve the slideshow gallery you wanted.

How To Get The Sidebar To Appear On Every Pages?

This is the most frequently asked question in the Headway Premium Wordpress Theme forum. Surprisingly there was no documentation or video given on this topic in the Headway membership site. The below method is the standard method given by the Headway administrator

How To Create a Master Page and Apply the Setting to Other Pages?

First, you must create a master page in Visual Editor in Headway Premium Wordpress Theme and then apply the look and feel to the rest of your pages.