How to Add Multiple Galleries in a Wordpress Page?

I believe you might have seen some WordPress gallery where the authors dumped all the images or photos in the gallery page without any organization. If the visitors need to find certain image, they might have to go through the entire gallery to do it. It is highly recommended that if you could group your images or photos into several categories in a page for better presentation. You can label them with relevant titles so that it will be neater and easier for your visitors to browse and navigate around. For example, the WordPress gallery might include multiple categories such as products, events and promotion.

However, WordPress does not support multiple categories in a gallery so the trick is to create a main gallery page and a few gallery pages then have these pages link back to the main page. A good example will be a gallery page showcases a restaurant’s menu. It will have 4 categories showing the appetizers, main dishes, drinks and desserts. Below are the steps to do it.

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and create a new page for your gallery.
  2. This page will be used as the main page for your gallery.
  3. Inside the text editor, type in the title of page and insert the first category gallery, in this case which is the Appetizers.
  4. Click on the “Add Media” icon and click on “Select Files” to import the group of images for the Appetizers.
  5. Once you are done, click on the tab “HTML” at the text editor and you should the code as below.
[gallery columns="5"]

  1. Below the code, type in the other three titles - Main Dishes, Drinks and Desserts.
  2. Now go ahead and click on “Add Page” to create the other 3 gallery pages which are the “Main dishes”, “Drinks” and “Desserts”.
  3. In the individual 3 pages, repeat step 4 to import the images.
  4. Copy the short code of these three pages and insert into the main page as below.
[gallery columns="5"]

Main Dishes
[gallery columns="5"]

[gallery columns="5"]

[gallery columns="5"]

  1. In order for the page to know which gallery it is linking to, you need to provide the ID of the page.
  2. You can click on “Pages” and from the list of pages, hover over the page you want to get ID and at the bottom of the screen, you can see something as below at the status bar.

  1. Hover over the 3 pages for “Main dishes”, “Drinks” and “Desserts” and take down the IDs.
  2. Add the 3 IDs into the code as below.
[gallery columns="5"]

<strong>Main Dishes</strong>
[gallery id="680" columns="5"]

[gallery id="682" columns="5"]

[gallery id="684" columns="5"]

  1. Once it is done, save the file and preview.
  2. You could see the gallery page is now categorized neatly with 4 titles and the relevant images are grouped under the respective titles.
You have now created multiple mini galleries in a page. Hopefully, in the future release of WordPress, there is a better way to manage the gallery and we can save the effort to create so many pages. If you have a better idea, please feel free to leave your comment below.


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