How to Create Multiple Databases for Multiple Wordpress Installation

Recently, a visitor asked how to have multiple databases while installing different wordpress in one of my posts titled “Installing Second Copy of Wordpress in Sub-domain Directory”? So in this post, I will try to describe the steps involved in creating another database for another wordpress installation.

If you are wondering why you need another database? The reasons are many but most importantly, I opted to install in another database so that I would not mess up with my first database. If anything went wrong, my first database would still remain intact and my site would continue functioning as it is. Furthermore, it is good to have another database if you are trying out a lot of new things such as new theme, new theme editor or plugins for your new wordpress site.

Creating Database through Database Wizard
In most hosting companies, you are able to create another database using the “MySQL Database Wizard” via your cPanel. Below are the steps for creating another database.
  1. Log into your cPanel.
  2. Scroll down and locate “Databases” section. 
  3. Click on “MySQL Database Wizard” icon.
  4. It will bring you to the next screen asking you to enter the database name as the following diagram.
  5. You can enter any name as you like for e.g. wpdb2 in the box (the full database name in this case will vsop_wpdb2). 
  6. Once it is done, click on “Next Step” button to proceed.
  7. On the next screen, it asks you to enter the username and password. You can create a username (e.g. admin02) and it must be alphanumeric with maximum of 7 characters.
  8. Next, create a password and re-enter the password then click on “Create User” to proceed to next step.
  9. In the next screen, it requires you to add user to the database. You can either click on the check box “ALL PRIVILEDGES” to assign all privileges to the user or selectively assign only certain privileges to the user. In this case, since I’m the only one managing my site so I should have all the privileges so I selected all of them.
  10. Remember to click on the “Next Step” button to finish.
  11. If you have created the database successfully, you should see in the next screen that the user you have created just now has added to the database.
  12. With this, you have completed the steps for creating a new database.
  13. If you are installing another wordpress, do ensure you select the right database name which is the new database vsop_wpdb2 otherwise the new wordpress installation will go to the first database.

If your web hosting company provides QuickInstall in your cPanel then congratulation! You can save all the above hassles when installing another copy of wordpress with another database, it is less painful and time-consuming now. If you are using web hosting company like Hostgator, the QuickInstall is found at the left hand panel, see below.

  1. Click on the link “QuickInstall WordPress for your Site!”
  2. In the next screen, it asks where do you want the new wordpress to be installed. You can choose to install in a sub-directory or sub-domain.
  3. Next, enter a email address, a blog title, your first name and last name.
  4. Click on the Install Now button and wait for a minute.
  5. Once it is successfully installed, you will see a green bar with 100% installed.
  6. The username and password will be email to you separately via the email you entered above so please provide a valid email address.
  7. Check your email to retrieve username and password to log in to your wordpress dashboard.
  8. You can change to your own password by going to wordpress dashboard and on the left hand panel, click on “Users” then the username to go to the profile page.
  9. Scroll down to the bottom of the profile page and enter new password besides the “New password” box.
  10. Type in your new password again and click on “Update” to save.

Hopefully, the above steps let you see how you can create a new database for different copy of wordpress installation in a simpler way.


  1. So if i have QuickInstall and i want to install another copy of wordpress in subdirectory do i still need to create another database or will QuickInstall do that for me ?

  2. Depend on your web hosting server configuration but usually Quickinstall will install into the previous database. You might want to specify which database you want during installation.


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